The invisible man,At port Stowe
This article has been composed by Deepak Pandey The article name is ''At port Stowe'' Mr marvel reached at port Stowe the next day,in the morning Mr marvel was at the port Stowe he was completely tired sitting on bench outside an inn with the bundle of the books beside him he was looking nervous and uncomfortable the bundle that was wrapped in the blue table per the plan of the invisible man though no one took him into notice
At port stowe
This article has been composed by Deepak Pandey The article name is ''At port Stowe'' Mr marvel reached at port Stowe the next day,in the morning Mr marvel was at the port Stowe he was completely tired sitting on bench outside an inn with the bundle of the books beside him he was looking nervous and uncomfortable the bundle that was wrapped in the blue table per the plan of the invisible man though no one took him into notice but he was agitated from inside and this reflected from his activities the elderly mariner Mr marvel's nervousness was evident as he was moving his hands over and again to his various pockets, as if he was desperate to find something then came there an elderly mariner with a newspaper in his hands he sat down beside him and wished him good day the mariner produced a toothpick and got engrossed in his job but his eyes were examining marvel he noticed the books lying beside him and was not satisfied with the contrast between Mr marvel's personality and the bundle of books the Iping story the mariner inquired about the books and Mr marvel told him that those were extra-ordinary the mariner informed him about the extra ordinary thing that he went through in the newspaper he told him about the story of an invisible man in the newspaper though Mr marvel was trying to show himself to be in a normal state but the truth was that his ears were glowing the mariner opined that invisible man could be roaming there he was the owner of several blessed things and could do everything the mariner narrated the story of the invisible man at Iping village that no one knew where-from he came he stayed at the coach and horses how his misfortune was not taken into account how Dr cuss and Mr bunting investigated his private room at the inn how his invisibility was discovered by the people and other things about him the mariner told marvel that the newspaper contained the story about people's attempt to catch hold of him and how one Mr Jeffers was thrashed Mr marvel asked the mariner was all that he did the mariner said that in his view it was enough further the newspaper mentioned that the invisible man also that he had no pals with him and he was alone the mariner's view about the invisible man the mariner ha own views about the invisible man h flt uncomfortable when h thought of the invisible man roaming unchecked the news from some source that this man was on the road to port Stowe he explained the dangerous things that the invisible man could do h could rob trespass burgle an no one could prevent him from doing all these Mr marvel the tremendous advantage the invisible man had the mariner was surprise to s this man leaving the place suddenly h reminder marvel that h was going to tell him something about the invisible man a voice told Mr marvel 'hoax' and Mr and marvel repeated this to the mariner an said it is a hoax on the mariner an said it is a hoax on the marine's protest that there was a story in the paper marvel told him that it was not true and he knew the person who started telling all these lies he said there was no invisible man the mariner asked him if he knew the truth then why he let me tell all those for long the mariner began to curse him that Mr marvel followed the voice the mariner followed marvel some way along the road and protests and allegations continued then there came a bend and marvel disappeared from the mariner's view he still was cursing marvel for making him fool he was dislodged only when a butcher's cart approached behind him while he was walking in the midst of road he now turned back and headed towards port Stowe the fist full of money another extraordinary thing for the mariner was that on of his fellow mariners had seen a fist full of money floating without any visible man carrying it the incident took place near st. Michael's lane when the mariner tried to catch it he was kicked down and the fist with the money vanished in no time afterwards there happened many such incidents of money floating along the walls and shady places and ending its flight in the pocket of that short man Mr marvel in silken hat it was after many days that the elderly mariner them collected those facts and them he understood whom he met outside the inn and why he left the place in hurry he could them understand how near he had been to the wonderful invisible man.
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The invisible man,At port Stowe
Reviewed by Untold stories
May 15, 2020
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