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World population clock

World Population Day aims to increase people's awareness on various population issues such as the importance of family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights.

World Population Day is an annual event, observed on July 11 every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program in 1989. It was inspired by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the approximate date on which the world's population reached five billion people. World Population Day aims to increase people's awareness on various population issues such as the importance of family planning, gender equalitypovertymaternal health and human rights.

The day was suggested by Dr. K.C.Zachariah in which population reaches Five Billion when he worked as Sr Demographer at World Bank.

While press interest and general awareness in the global population surges only at the increments of whole billions of people, the world population increases annually by 100 million approximately every 14 months. The world population reached 7,400,000,000 on February 6, 2016; the world population had reached 7,500,000,000 at around 16:21 on April 24, 2017. The world population had reached 7,700,000,000 on year 2019. In November, UNFPA, together with the governments of Kenya and Denmark, will be convening a high-level conference in Nairobi to accelerate efforts to achieve these unmet goals. On World Population Day, advocates from around the world are calling on leaders, policymakers, grassroots organizers, institutions and others to help make reproductive health and rights a reality for all

  1. It is celebrated to protect and empower youths of both genders like girls and boys
  2. To offer them detail knowledge about the sexuality and delay marriages till they become able to understand their responsibilities
  3. Educate youths to avoid unwanted pregnancies by using reasonable and youth friendly measures
  4. Educate people to remove the gender stereotypes from society
  5. Educate them about the pregnancy related illnesses to raise the public awareness about dangers of early childbirth
  6. Educate them about STD (sexually transmitted diseases) to get prevented from various infections
  7. Demand for some effective laws and policies implementation in order to protect girl child rights
  8. Make sure about the access of equal primary education to both girls and boys
  9. Make sure the easy access of reproductive health services everywhere as part the basic primary health for each couple.


Action is urgently needed. Too many young people lack resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Adolescent girls are mostly vunerable, due to face discrimination, sexual violence, early marriage and unwanted pregnancies. And even among those young people fortunate enough to receive university degrees, many find themselves without employment or stuck in low-wage, dead-end jobs.

  • Higher Rate of Population requires more Investment: 

In these countries, population is increasing at the rate of about 2.5 per cent per annum and 5 per cent to 12.5 per cent of their national income and hence the entire investment is absorbed by demographic investment and nothing is left for economic development. These factors are mainly responsible for stagnation in such economies.

  •  Large Population creates the Problem of Unemployment:

A fast growth in population means a large number of persons coming to the labour market for whom it may not be possible to provide employment. In fact, in underdeveloped countries, the number of job seekers is expanding so fast that despite all efforts towards planned development, it has not been possible to provide employment to all. Unemployment, underemployment and disguised employment are common features in these countries. The rapidly rising population makes it almost impossible for economically backward countries to solve their problem of unemployment.

  • Population and Vicious Circle in Poverty:

Thus savings and rate of capital formation remain low, reduction in per capita income, rise in general price level leading to sharp rise in cost of living. No improvement in agricultural and industrial technology, shortage of essential commodities, low standard of living, mass unemployment etc. As a result the entire economy of an underdeveloped country is surrounded by the vicious circle of poverty.

  •  Population reduces the Rate of Capital Formation:

In under developed countries, rapid growth of population diminishes the availability of capital per head which reduces the productivity of its labour force. Their income, as a consequence, is reduced and their capacity to save is diminished which, in turn, adversely affects capital formation.

  • Rapid Population declines Social Infrastructure:

A welfare state line India is pledged to meet social needs of the people adequately and for this, the government has to spend a lot on providing basic facilities like education, housing and medical aid. But rapid increase in population make burden all the more heavy.

  • Growing Population lowers Standard of Living:

The cost and prices rise which raise the cost of living of the masses. This brings the standard of living low. Poverty breeds large number of children which increases poverty further and vicious circle of poverty. Thus, the consequence of population growth is to lower the standard of living.

  • It reduces per Capital Availability of Capital:

The large size of population also reduces per capita availability of capital in less developed countries. This is true in respect of underdeveloped countries where capital is scarce and its supply is inelastic. A rapidly growing population leads to a progressive decline in the availability of capital per worker. This further leads to lower productivity and diminishing returns.

World population clock World population clock Reviewed by Untold stories on July 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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