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6 positive life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown

Photo of a Sign and Eyeglasses on Table

6 positive  life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown: Hello reader today you will learn 6 good habits these 6 habits I implement over me in my daily routine, in this pandemic due to lock down  sometime I feel like a squirrel who holds its food in its borrows and then hibernates there the entire winter it's been a few months and we haven't been to school or college or even to office and we start the day in this lazy morning and the entire day tends to be unproductive and everyday we resolve that tomorrow we are going to have a more efficient morning but we fail but don't worry so in today's blog I am going to give you three things the first is the daily morning routine of successful people and six easy-easy things for you to put into your morning routine we are going to talk about the three barriers to a goo morning and finally three easy morning hacks but before that did you know that when bill gates and warren buffet met for the first time what transpired.

   6 positive  life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown


   6  Positive  life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown

When Bill gates and Warren buffet met for the first time it was when bill had invited warren over for dinner and the two wealthiest men sat around dining table along with bill's parents and few delicacies and bill's father casually asked them a question as to what they thought was the number one reason for their success and almost in chorus they both said focus in fact not only them ''Albert Einstein'' has also quite famously said that I am  not smarter than anyone else I just stick with problems for longer''. and what bill and warren meant by focus was their ability to develop these habits to help them from this daily routine which enabled them to have more time and energy to focus on the important activities of their business it is that first hour of the day determines the rest of it and you always seem to have time to do things that you put first so let's see what we can put into our morning routine because 95% of what we do is out of habit.

1. Wake up with your alarm be bigger than your best excuse have ever noticed that earlier when you had a plan to go with your  friends on weekend you would spring out of bed in the morning so the trick is before going to bed at night think of something that you are going to do the next day which is important exciting and meaningful and suddenly when the alarm rings you are gonna jump out of bed.

2.  Exercise an early-morning walk in nature is invigorating it not only gets the blood rushing to the brain but it also gives you time for deep reflection and meditation so how about you go out in the morning for quite walk without your phone spend some time looking at nature and also reflecting on your own breathing and think about that number one priority that you have for day what is that one thing that want you want to do that's going to add up to a lot in the long term and when have done that for 15 minutes for the balanced 15 or 20 minutes run back home.

3. Gratitude you are part of something that's bigger than yourself the ''Dalai lama'' once said that when I wake in the morning I think that I am fortunate to be alive remember that you are power and that one person can change the world so be prepared to seize the day and make it count.

4. Lemon water and lots of water I have about three to four glasses of water every morning you can have the first one slightly lukewarm with lemon follow it up with plain water or any other flavor that you like have a couple of glasses before you go for the walk and a couple of glasses after you come back.

5. Cold water  ''Wim Hof'' also known as Iceman and famous for his athleticism and several Guinness world records says that an early morning cold water bath will not only increase your alertness your motivation levels but also keep your stress levels lower what else do we need in the morning.

6. Reading slot 30 minutes in the morning for reading this could include reading a self-help book maybe listening to an audio book or catching up on the news events of the previous day taken some positive and motivating thoughts and some great ideas to set yourself up for an energy filled day these days I listen to an audio book in the morning in the kitchen while I am doing my cooking and cleaning and now for the three barriers to a calm and focused morning at number one no surprises is looking at your mobile phone first thing in the morning ''Mel Robbins'' a famous american author and TV show host says that perhaps the worst way to start your day is by looking at your social feeds instead of looking at what people are doing or what they want you to do how about you look at what you want to do for yourself at number two is a scrambled bed I feel less tempted to go right back into my bed once it's prepared says everyone it takes about 60 seconds for you to get your bed ready so how about you straighten that out as soon as you wake up and they say that if you want to change the world how about you start by making your bed and three is a long to-do list there is no worse way to start your day than by looking at a long list of about a hundred irrelevant and unimportant things to do instead how about you make a list of one big to-do item and one big to be item focus on being productive instead of being busy a to-do item for example in my case could be writing a script of a blog or maybe even writing a article a to B item would be what is kind of person you want to be today happy positive cheerful encouraging whatever is that quality that you want to cultivate in yourself start by practicing it today.

Now for the three morning hacks at number one is an educational podcast let's say you need to go over an important concept or maybe read an important chapter you can download a free podcast at perhaps like a google podcast or maybe spotify how about the night before you download one podcast about this chapter and keep it ready on your phone and in the morning when you are doing your chores at home you can switch on this podcast which will not only give you a head start but also perspective the second hacks is to just being Molly a student at Cambridge university says that when she has a large project or assignment to do on particular day she starts by writing just a few pages even before breakfast and the act of beginning motivates your brain to want to complete that activity so just begin and it all starts with a good night there can be no good  morning unless you have had a good night's sleep so get to bed on time keep your mobile phone outside your room stop looking at it for at least half an hour before you go to bed and simple activities like washing your face and brushing your teeth prepare you to go to bed and don't forget to make that exciting plan for the next day before you tuck yourself in so I hope that helped you form a good daily morning routine and set you up for success so please stay tuned for next update from your''Untold-stories''
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6 positive life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown 6 positive  life-long habits to adopt while in lockdown Reviewed by Untold stories on July 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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