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World blood donor day

World Blood Donor Day:is celebrated worldwide on 14 June. It is said that blood donation means Maha Daan. With this, not only can you give new life to many people, but you can also overcome many diseases. India needs 1 crore blood units every year. Think, if someone does not donate blood, then from where will this blood be replenished? Therefore, blood donation is very important.

                            World  blood donor day 

Blood donation occurs when a healthy person gives their blood voluntarily and is used for transfusion or a drug is made through a process called fracasination. In developed countries, most blood donors are unpaid volunteers, who donate blood for community supplies. In poor countries, established supplies are limited and blood donors are usually given only when transfusion is needed for family or friends. Many donors donate blood in the form of donations, but some are paid and in some cases incentives are given in the form of paid vacation during work time rather than money. Any donor can donate blood for their future use. Blood donation is relatively safe, but some donors get scratched at the point where the needle is inserted or some people may feel faint.Potential donors are evaluated so that their blood use is not unsafe. Investigations include testing for diseases such as HIV and viral hepatitis that can be transmitted through blood transfusions. The donor is also asked about his medical history and a brief physical examination is done to ensure that the donor does not have any detrimental effects on the donor's health land. The number of times a donor can donate can vary over days and months, depending on what he or she is donating and in which country the donation is being made. For example, a donor in the United States has to wait 8 weeks (56 days) between full blood donations, but just three days for plateletpheresis donations. The amount and manner of blood given can vary, but an ideal donation is 450 milliliters (or approximately one US pint) of whole blood . It can be stored manually or by automated equipment that only takes a specific part of the blood. Most of the blood components used for transfusion have a short fixed life and maintaining a constant supply is a permanent problem. It is a great thing to donate blood to us that while we die it is a work of virtue. Blood Donor Day is celebrated worldwide on 14 June. It is said that blood donation means Maha Daan. With this, not only can you give new life to many people, but you can also overcome many diseases. India needs 1 crore blood units every year. Think, if someone does not donate blood, then from where will this blood be replenished? Therefore, blood donation is very important. Not only this, but it also has many benefits.
  •  Blood donation should be done once every 3 months. In this, the amount of iron remains fine and heart diseases are also kept away.
  •  Blood donation makes you stay young for a long time and also prevents from stroke and heart attack.
  •  According to doctors, the amount of iron in the body remains correct by donating blood. Excess of iron causes oxidation of liver tissue, which can cause damage and can lead to cancer. Therefore, regular donating blood also reduces the risk of liver damage and cancer.
  • 4- Blood donation also helps in weight loss. Once donated blood, 650-700 calories can be reduced. Decreasing calories also reduces weight. But this does not mean that you donate blood every month. Remember that blood donation should be given only once in 3 months.
  •  Blood donation also provides mental satisfaction as blood donated by you gives new life donation to at least 2-3 people who feel happiness and mental satisfaction.
  •  Blood donation increases the immunity of the body, due to which our body is able to fight many diseases.

First things you should keep in mind before donating blood:
First of all, get your health checkup and blood test done so that you and your blood are healthy and the level of hemoglobin in the blood is at least 12.5%.Keep in mind that any healthy and fit person who does not have any kind of infection can donate blood. Even young people between 18 and 20 years of age can donate blood whose weight is 50 kg.If there is a disease like high blood pressure, kidney or diabetes or epilepsy, they should not donate blood.Women who have a miscarriage should not donate blood for 6 months. In the last one month, if you have received any kind of vaccination from the donor.If you have consumed alcohol, donate blood for 24 hours.Blood donation also helps in weight loss. Once donated blood, 650-700 calories can be reduced. Decreasing calories also reduces weight. But this does not mean that you donate blood every month. Remember that blood donation should be given only once in 3 months.Blood donation also provides mental satisfaction as blood donated by you gives new life donation to at least 2-3 people who feel happiness and mental satisfaction. Blood donation increases the immunity of the body, due to which our body is able to fight many diseases.

This is not true. Slender people can and have been donating blood. Just be sure that if you want to donate blood, then your minimum weight should be 50 kg. This does not mean that if you are thin, you cannot donate blood. Body texture has nothing to do with it. It is also often the case that obese people are disqualified for giving blood because they have various diseases.This is not true at all. Your hemoglobin level is tested before donating blood. Hemoglobin is a protein that gives red color to our blood and transmits oxygen in the body. You cannot donate blood if the level of this protein is low. Many times the level of hemoglobin in women is low which is why they are forbidden from donating blood. But it is also true that there is a shortage of women in blood donors in India. These are just 4%.This is not true. Blood donation is an easy process. The nurse injects a small needle into your arm to pick up blood. You don't even realize it. Apart from this, nothing has to be done. During this process you will feel a slight prick and after completion of the transfer you will feel absolutely good.This is a misconception. Meat eaters are believed to get bharupur iron, which is responsible for making hemoglobin, and can be donated only when there is too much hemoglobin, but tell you that vegetarian people are also eligible to donate blood. There are many foods in the Indian diet that are sources of iron - such as spinach, rajma, raisins, gram, etc.This is completely wrong. Stem cells in our body break down and make many components of blood. These cells are formed continuously as they are finished in a few hours to 12 days. When you donate blood, your body gets a signal of decrease in red blood cells. This creates additional RBCs. In this case, blood donation does not cause anemia at all, nor do you fall ill.

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World blood donor day World  blood donor day Reviewed by Untold stories on June 12, 2020 Rating: 5


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